latest update: 01/09/2021 |
ROBERT BARRY JOHN BOCK FRANÇOIS DEY FISCHLI AND WEISS SYLVIE FLEURY HAMISH FULTON GILBERT & GEORGE KRISTJÁN GUDMUNDSSON SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON ROB VAN KONINGSBRUGGEN JAAP KRONEMAN MATTHEW LUTZ-KINOY JILL MAGID LUIGI ONTANI ELIZABETH PEYTON GERHARD RICHTER WILLY VAN SOMPEL ULAY / MARINA ABRAMOVIC JIRI VALOCH OLA VASILJEVA LAWRENCE WEINER ROBERT BARRY There it is, 1982 20,3 x 20,3 cm, Ottenhausen Verlag, Aachen, Germany, artists' book, SC with wrappers, unpaginated, perfect copy. sold JOHN BOCK Lütte mit Rucola, 2011 32,7 x 26,5 x 5 cm book with loose hand knitted object; heart with veins! signed, dated Buchhandlung Walter Koenig, Cologne, Germany, artists' book, HC - integral binding, unpaginated children's book cardboard pages, perfect copy with original drawing, 66 pp., signed and dated. * This object in an object book is based on a film by John Bock. It is the story about an insane man who tries to find existential guidance through the humilation of another man - obviously having a financial debt - by pulling a tooth. By means of crazy diagrams attached to the human body and using the little girl Lütte as medium he believes to be able to find the right corrections and justifications. The book is designed in the style of a childrens' book with thick cardboard pages and contains a hand made knitted heart. Drawing by artist on inner part of cover. FRANÇOIS DEY Hodleria, 2010 32 x 29 cm, hand made artists' book, 55 colour plates, slip case, HC, unpaginated edition 20 FISCHLI AND WEISS Peter Fischli David Weiss, 1999 27,5 x 21,2 cm, loose pages with original white banner and grey cardboard in center to support the heavy weight paper. * Extremely ingenius artist book which opens as a pile of loose unbound reproductions of double photo shots of colourful flowers for many years collected by the artists. Amazingly simple artist book for breaking the rules of binding a book by keeping the pages together with a wrapper. Unhandy indeed for slippery fingers! Sealed as issued, pristine copy. SYLVIE FLEURY The Art of Survival, 1993 27 x 21 cm Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz. Colour and b/w illustrations, SC, 72 pp. * Important and very first catalogue conceptualized by the artist as a fashion magazine and hence an artist book. The magazine includes an order form perforated in page for the 'Edition 120 - cuddly paintings' published by Gesellschaft der Freunde der Neuen Galerie in Graz. Very fine copy, apart from small rubbing at lower part of spine. Extremely rare. € 200,- plus € 18,- registered mail HAMISH FULTON Nepal, 1975 A 20 day walking journey from Dolalghat following the trail to the Everest icefall 20,8 x 28,7 cm. Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven. Colour and b/w illustrations documenting a 20 days walking journey. Artist book, oblong size, SC, edition 1000. Pristine copy. GILBERT & GEORGE The Paintings (with Us in the Nature), 1972 21 x 14,8 cm booklet, English text, Dutch translation on last page, 4pp., ill., very fine copy. GILBERT & GEORGE Dark Shadow, 1974 19,6 x 13,5 cm signed in red felt pen ink on title page, edition nr 1162/2000, 256 pp., very good copy, apart from faded dedication on endpaper. KRISTJÁN GUDMUNDSSON Circles, 1973 20,8 x 20,8 cm 3 b/w photo plates showing circles in water made by throwing a stone of equal weight as each page in the book. Cat. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Nr 550, HC, edition 500. Good copy. * Thin and poetic artist book. Each page is thicker than the previous one and each stone thrown into the water by the artist created apparently a different circle in the water. € 160,- plus € 8,- registered EU mail KRISTJÁN GUDMUNDSSON Seamsea, 2003 14,8 x 21,2 cm, 6 books with titles in different lanuguages: English, Icelandic, Dutch, French, Norwegian and Chinese, i.e. Seamsea, Saumasjór, Zoomzee, Mercouture, Sømsjø and [Chinese characters]. Silver Press, Reykjavik. Edition 250 per language, but no more than 100 have been produced. Very good copies Drawings of emblematic sea waves on thick cardboard pages. In each book three drawings are made of blue yarn, machine sewn on each page. Hand numbered in pencil. SIGURDUR GUDMUNDSSON Art, Meaning & Love and On Pins & Nails, 2002 21 x 14,7 cm, digital mat colour photo plates showing reproductions of works, two volumes with artist contributions. Galerie van Gelder, Amsterdam, 20 pp. and 24 pp., SC, edition 100 * Cute booklets in a limited edition with poetic texts written by the artist and in each volume a center fold conceptual artwork in print ROB VAN KONINGSBRUGGEN Rob van Koningsbruggen, 1975 15 x 24 cm, 16 pp., interview by Carel Blotkamp, each publication contains a small original canvas (15 x 48 cm) with charateristic paint stroke representing a Fundamental Painting by the artist from 1975. Centraal Museum Utrecht Mededelingen, nr 10 splendid condition € 195,- plus € 12,- Track & Trace EU registered mail JAAP KRONEMAN The lazy fox makes the brown dog quit, 2011 20 x 14 cm, glued book block, digital prints, limited edition of ca 30 copies, 100 pp. * This is a black and white picture book, in between a catalogue and an artist's book. The book has been designed and images edited by the artist. MATTHEW LUTZ-KINOY The Documentary Style, 2011 35 x 25 cm numbered, signed, edition 30 JILL MAGID Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy - Jill Magid 117 hrs 23 min logged, 2007 20,8 x 14,5 cm diary of the artist, limited editon of 800 copies, 54 pp., numbered, funded by The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council for the Off the record commission * Cover text: "Last winter I came back to New York City after living five years abroad. I rented an apartment in Brooklyn and took the subway often. Everyone is in transit, except the officers. I approached one and asked him to search me." LUIGI ONTANI Acervus, 1978 11,7 x 7,7 cm, mini-book printed on pink glossy paper and wrappers, of which 3 fold out pages, illustrated throughout. Near mint copy, first editon, 2.500 copies, 36 pp., edition Dacic Dematteis & Maffei, Tübingen ELIZABETH PEYTON Tony sleeping, 2000 15,9 x 12,2 cm, SC, small artist's book with photos and drawings in print on Tony sleeping. Wears on cover. ELIZABETH PEYTON Prince Eagle, 2001 24,8 x 18,7 cm, SC, artist's book in plastic cover as issued with full page color plates, Powerhouse Books, 144 pages, edition of 3000. Pristine copy. GERHARD RICHTER War cut, 2004, 25 x 21 cm, hard cover, numbered, edition 2400; nrs 1-200 are signed. Pristine copy. * In May 2002, Gerhard Richter photographed 216 details of his "Abstraktes Bild Nr 648-2", 1987. Working over a period of several weeks, Richter combined these 10 x 15 cm details with 165 texts on the Iraq war, published in the German FAZ newspaper on March 20 and 21. War Cut follows an ever denser rhythm in which texts and gaps take up the same amount of space as the pictures, creating a strictly composed work of open and closed layouts and their mirror images. A conceptual and impressive artist's book about the war in Iraq and war in general communicated through newspapers. WILLY VAN SOMPEL Van Sompel, 1985, 20 x 13,8 cm, hard cover, edition 300; nrs 1-300 are numbered, signed. Printed on different kinds of thin and heavy paper with many tipped in colour plates; two reproductions on original blotting paper, Dutch texts by the artist, Franky D.C., Lieven Van den Abeele, Joseph Orban, Marie Charlie Wensch and Benoît Angelet, 121 Art Gallery, Antwerp. Pristine copy. ULAY / MARINA ABRAMOVIC Two Performances, n.d. [1979] 15,7 x 24,1 cm SC, De Appel, edition 1000, 50 pp. * In spite of its title this semi-artists book contains three items: two ultra short dialogues for Two Performances (Performance 21 "The Brink" and Performance 22 called "In a given space") and an extra artist book-in-the-book called Detour with conceptual on-liners put next to odd and in a mystic way commented Australian landscapes. Detour is about "Exposure to chance / Extended vulnerability / Primordial soundings" as stated in the book and which is not mentioned on the cover. OLA VASILJEVA Sezon, 2010 25 x 18 cm 11 sheets printed on different kinds of coloured paper, cover, edition 75 LAWRENCE WEINER Relative to Hanging, 1975 17 x 11 cm silver coloured artist's book, all pages printed with blue ink, SC, edition 500. Edition After Hand, Ringkøbing, Denmark. * This small booklet defines five ways of handling a national flag (of Denmark): 1. having stood for (as), 2. having stood in (as), 3. having stood up (as), 4. having stood over (as), 5. having stood down (as) and hence creating various images of how one may use a flag. In fact based how man has used a flag, e.g. in a patriotic sense, a colonistic way, a representing manner, and so on. Good copy, apart from tiny soft bending at left top of cover and price note in pencil on title page. artist's books compiled Thick Air, 1983 16 x 22 cm x 3 cm / each booklet 21 x 14,7 cm 9 sympathetic booklets in cardboard box with sticker, each booklet signed by the artist, Museum Fodor, edition 250 of which 100 are signed, nr 31/100, good copy. art handling and costs of transport insurance are not included in the price multiples, editions, films A - Z |